Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Facebook Events To Promote Your Products

One of the most effective marketing tools to promote your business would be through Facebook Marketing. Facebook can help your business grow at low cost and fast rate. Specially, that Facebook has more than 150 million users, it's so easy to reach for your targeted market.
Through Facebook Events, you can spread word out about your upcoming events to hundred millions of people. Facebook events are free application developed by Facebook thus anyone can take advantage to promote marketing events, product launches, new store opening, virtual events, sponsored parties, or transactions etc. You get a fully-featured page, which means you can post on wall, discussion, photos, audios, videos, and links. Plus, an extraordinary add-on is that your event is indexed by search engines.
With Facebook events, you can invite all your friends to your event, and your friends can invite all of their friends. Along with the invitation is a special notification requesting for their RSVPs.
For your event to work, have your page a "share" link. Post it on your wall so that anyone can see it. Then, send reminder because some are too busy that it might skip their minds, and it's the most effective way to drive traffic to your Facebook event. Create a lively discussion about the event to create excitement and interest to your audience. Join other Fanpages or Groups that best describe your target market for the event.
Moreover, you can promote events with highly targeted social ads that Facebook offers. And publish photos or videos of the past events, to show how fun it was. And most importantly, update your page regularly as to let them know your presence and not just a spammer. But don't be repetitive of your messages; be creative on how you will catch their attention and interest.
To make money on Facebook, your event strategies must be creative and don't be afraid to experiment. Facebook Events offers a lot of opportunities for your business and it's up to you how to make use of it.

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